Search and Reunion

Mom grama laughing

Utah law permits adult adoptees the right to obtain non-identifying, detailed genetic and social history with regard to their biological family. Adoptive parents should receive the state forms entitled "Birth Father's (and/or) Birth Mother's Non-identifying Information for Adoption Registry" at the time of finalization. Copies of the completed forms may be obtained for a nominal fee from the Office of Vital Statistics. In 1987 the state of Utah established a "Mutual Consent Voluntary Adoption Registry." This registry is administered by the Bureau of Vital Records and Statistics and is available to adult adoptees (21 years or older who were born in Utah), their biological brothers and sisters, and their birth parents. If both the adult adoptee and an adult member of the biological family register, then identifying information will be released to both parties. See links below.

A Few Tips:

  • Request non-identifying information from the agency that handled the adoption. Contact the Department of Vital Statistic for the state you were born in and they should be able to direct you to the agency.
  • Review the laws and what is available for the state where you were adopted.
  • Sign up with the state registry. Contact the Department of Vital Statistics for the state where the adoptee was born and where the adoption was finalized.
  • Sign up with the International Soundex Reunion Registry.
  • Speak with your adoptive parents. Many adoptive parents have additional information that they were waiting for the "right time" to share with their children.
  • Join a support group.
  • Check social media groups.
